The BSC Education and Training team is involved in the organisation of several research workshops tackling issues related to professional training and postgraduate studies in HPC, Computational Science and education in technology rich environments.
BSC reserchers organise and deliver number of training workshop annualy in the areas of Supercomputing technology, HPC and Computational Science.
Of particular note is the active role of the team in the organisation of at BRIDGE: Bridging the Talent Gap with Computational Science Methods at the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS).
At SC conference series, BSC Education and Training team is actively involved in the organisation of multiple editions of the Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training; this workshop aims to display and share best practices in design, delivery and evaluation of HPC training courses both as face-to-face and on-line provision.
At the ISC conferences BSC participates as co-organiser of the PRACE Training Workshop as one of the T-0 and PATC sites of the consortium.
The topics addressed by these workshops include: methods of delivery, development of curricula, optimising duration, surveys and evaluations, metrics and determining success.